Syracuse & Central New York Commercial Vehicle Accident

Commercial vehicle accident

New York highways and roads are filled with commercial vehicles, including semi-trucks, tractor-trailer trucks, buses, rideshare vehicles, and more. Commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders are held to a higher standard than other drivers, yet commercial vehicle accidents continue to cause victims injuries.

Due to their large size and heavy weight, commercial vehicle accidents are more likely to cause devastating injuries than those involving passenger vehicles. If you or your loved one have been seriously injured in a commercial vehicle accident in Central New York or Syracuse, New York, the attorneys at CDH Law PLLC are prepared to fight for your right to compensation. 

Commercial Truck Accidents

A commercial truck is any truck a business uses to carry goods or provide commercial services. In commercial truck accident cases, victims can often pursue a claim with the at-fault truck driver’s employer’s insurance policy. 

Unfortunately, trucking companies and their insurance providers are known for denying claims or refusing to pay the full amount of compensation the victim deserves. Trucking insurance companies regularly handle these types of claims and do everything in their power to limit the amount of compensation they must pay the victims. Working with experienced attorneys at CDH Law PLLC will help you level the playing field and protect your claim.

Semi-Truck and Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Large commercial trucks are often called a big rig or an 18-wheeler. Semi-trucks, including tractor-trailers, can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. The vehicles are difficult to maneuver and require drivers to focus entirely on their surroundings. The size alone of big rigs can cause significant damage, but trailers may also be carrying hazardous cargo that can leak or cause an explosion in the event of an accident. 

Delivery Vehicle Accidents

As more people shop online, more delivery vehicles operate on New York roads. When an Amazon, UPS, or FedEx driver causes an accident, victims may be able to pursue a claim against the delivery company. However, doing so can be challenging because many delivery drivers are considered independent contractors. The driver’s personal auto insurance may not cover all of the victim’s injuries. It’s important to contact an attorney who can help you pursue compensation if a delivery driver has injured you.

Rideshare Driver Accidents

Similarly, recovering compensation in an Uber or Lyft accident can be challenging. Uber and Lyft have million-dollar insurance policies. Still, their policies only cover accidents that occur when the delivery driver has picked up a passenger and is in the process of being transported to his or her destination. Rideshare accident claims usually involve multiple parties and insurance companies; hiring an attorney to represent your interests is crucial. 

Who is Liable After a Commercial Vehicle Accident in New York?

In order to recover compensation through a personal injury lawsuit or insurance claim, the victim must prove that the defendant is liable for his or her injuries. Most commercial vehicle accidents are caused by negligence, which is the failure to use reasonable care under the circumstances to keep others on the road safe from injuries. When a person or company’s negligence causes an accident that results in the victim’s injuries, the negligent party can be held liable for the victim’s damages.

Proving liability in a New York commercial truck accident can be challenging. The commercial trucking industry is highly regulated and involves multiple parties, including the truck driver and his or her employer. Depending on the claim, the victim may have the right to pursue compensation from the following party or parties:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The cargo loading company
  • The manufacturer of the vehicle parts
  • Mechanics
  • Local governments and contractors
  • Other employees who are involved with the business

The party initially thought to be at fault may not be entirely responsible for the auto accident. Determining fair and reasonable compensation for an injured party may involve looking into several potentially liable parties. 

Gathering Evidence After a Commercial Vehicle Accident

The investigation period is important for successfully pursuing compensation for your injuries. CDH Law PLLC has the experience and resources to thoroughly investigate your case and gather evidence proving which party or parties are liable so we can develop an effective strategy to recover the most compensation possible. In addition to finding evidence of negligence in the drivers’ logbooks, cell phone records, and the vehicle’s black box, we will also track down and interview any eyewitnesses. 

We will pursue records of the truck driver’s drug tests, as required by the FMCSA. Our attorneys also work with accident reconstructionists and other professionals who can shed light on the cause of the accident. We will gather all available evidence that the truck driver or other liable third party breached its duty of care, causing your accident, injuries, and damages.

Damages Available After a Commercial Vehicle Accident

Victims can pursue four main types of compensation after a commercial vehicle accident. CDH Law PLLC regularly works with financial and medical experts to carefully determine the current and future damages victims will incur due to their injuries. Generally, the more severe the victim’s injuries, the higher the claim’s value. When victims have been seriously injured, their medical expenses may comprise the majority of their claim for compensation. 

In many cases, the injuries sustained in truck accidents are generally more severe than those sustained in accidents involving smaller passenger vehicles. These types of injuries come with significant medical bills. Victims may need ongoing medical care and be unable to work. In addition to compensation for the days of work you’ve already missed, you can also pursue compensation for not being able to work in the future due to your injuries. Victims can also pursue compensation for property damage, pain, suffering, disability, and disfigurement.

Discuss Your Case with Our Skilled Commercial Vehicle Accident Attorneys

Recovering from an injury sustained in a collision with a commercial vehicle can be challenging. The sooner you reach out to an experienced attorney, the better. CDH Law PLLC has a proven track record of recovering compensation for victims of a wide range of auto accidents, including commercial vehicle accidents. Contact CDH Law PLLC to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case and legal options with a skilled attorney.

Carden Dotzler Hammond, PLLC represents medical malpractice victims in Syracuse, Central New York, and in the following towns and villages of Onondaga County: Camillus, Cicero, Clay, Dewitt, Elbridge, Geddes, Manlius, Marcellus, Onondaga, Salina, Skaneateles, Baldwinsville, East Syracuse, Fayetteville, Jefferson County, Liverpool, North Syracuse, and Solvay.