Syracuse & Central New York Amputation Injury Attorneys

Man on couch dealing with amputation injury

Are you dealing with the aftermath of an amputation injury in Syracuse, New York, and wondering what your next steps should be? A Syracuse personal injury lawyer from CDH Law PLLC can provide the support and guidance you need during this challenging time. Our team knows how to handle cases like yours, and we’re ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Don’t go through this alone. Contact us today for an initial consultation, and let’s discuss how we can help you move forward.

Types of Amputations

An amputation is the loss or removal of a body part, most often a limb or part of a limb. Amputations can result from a variety of incidents and other factors, including accidents, medical conditions, and surgical necessities. The main types of amputations include the following:

Traumatic Amputations

This type of amputation occurs suddenly during an accident or injury. For example, a person might lose a finger or hand during a machinery accident at work or lose an arm or leg in a severe car crash. Traumatic amputations often happen without warning, leaving patients with immediate and life-changing injuries. Emergency medical treatment is essential for the amputee’s survival and to preserve the possibility of reattaching the severed limb, though reattachment is not always possible.

Surgical Amputations

Doctors sometimes need to remove a limb or part of a limb to save a person’s life or improve their overall health. This might happen if a person has a severe infection that could spread to the rest of the body or a limb that is severely damaged beyond repair. Surgical amputations are also sometimes necessary when diabetic patients have poor circulation which makes it impossible for part of the body to heal. Surgical amputation involves careful planning and precision. If surgeons or other medical providers fail to conduct surgical amputations properly, they can be liable for malpractice.

Revision Amputations

Sometimes, an initial amputation doesn’t heal as expected, or complications develop, necessitating further surgical intervention known as a revision amputation. This might occur if there’s an infection that won’t clear up, a bone that doesn’t heal properly, or severe pain at the site of the original amputation that can’t be managed effectively. During a revision amputation, surgeons remove more of the limb or make adjustments to the remaining limb to promote better healing, improve the function of prosthetic devices, or alleviate pain. 

Common Causes of Amputation Injuries

Here are some of the most common factors that contribute to traumatic amputation injuries or necessitate surgical amputations:

  • Traumatic Accidents: Accidents that cause severe injury to limbs, such as those from car crashes, industrial or construction site mishaps, or severe burns, can cause or necessitate amputations. When a limb is crushed or damaged beyond repair, doctors might need to amputate to save the person’s life or prevent further health complications.
  • Infections: Infections that do not respond to antibiotics or other treatments sometimes require surgical amputation. This is because certain infections can destroy muscle, bone, and other tissues or even spread throughout the body, posing life-threatening risks.
  • Severe Burns: Burns can destroy skin, muscle, and bone, leaving affected limbs nonfunctional or at risk of serious infection. In severe cases, amputation might be the only option to remove the damaged tissue and promote healing.
  • Medical Malpractice: Medical malpractice can also lead to amputations when healthcare professionals fail to provide the appropriate standard of care. Surgical errors, misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment, or delayed treatment can result in complications that leave amputation as the only viable option to save a patient’s life or prevent further health deterioration.

Seeking Compensation for Amputation Injuries

Depending on the circumstances surrounding the amputation injury, you could have grounds for one or several of the following types of compensation claims:

  • Personal Injury Claims: If someone’s negligence or intentional behavior causes you to suffer an amputation, you might have a personal injury claim against them.
  • Motor Vehicle Accident Claims: These claims apply when you suffer an amputation as a result of a car, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian accident. If another driver’s negligence caused the accident, you could file a claim against that driver’s insurance.
  • Workers’ Compensation Claims: If your amputation occurred while you were working or performing work-related duties, you might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.
  • Product Liability Claims: If a defective or dangerous product causes your amputation, you could file a product liability claim against the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer.
  • Premises Liability Claims: If an amputation occurs due to unsafe conditions on someone else’s property, such as a slip and fall on a wet floor, you could have a premises liability claim against the property owner.
  • Medical Malpractice Claims: If a healthcare professional’s negligence or improper treatment results in an amputation, you could file a medical malpractice claim.

How Much Is My Amputation Injury Claim Worth?

When you file an amputation injury claim, you can demand financial compensation for the harm you have suffered due to the amputation. This could include compensation for:

  • Medical expenses for initial treatment
  • Cost of ongoing medical care
  • Prosthetic limbs and devices
  • Lost wages from time off work
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Out-of-pocket expenses related to the injury

How an Amputation Injury Lawyer Can Help

If you’re dealing with the aftermath of an amputation injury, having an experienced lawyer by your side can make a significant difference in your injury claim. A knowledgeable injury lawyer in Syracuse, New York, can help you by:

  • Investigating the circumstances of your injury thoroughly
  • Gathering and analyzing medical records related to the amputation
  • Consulting medical experts to strengthen your case
  • Identifying all potential sources of compensation
  • Calculating the full extent of your financial and emotional losses
  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Preparing and filing all necessary legal documents accurately
  • Challenging any attempts to undervalue or deny your claim
  • Discussing settlement options and advising you on whether to accept
  • Representing you in court if your case goes to trial
  • Ensuring timely submission of all claims and legal actions
  • Protecting you from unfair practices by the opposing side
  • Keeping you updated on the progress of your case

Contact a Syracuse & Central New York Amputation Injury Attorney Now

Ready to get the support you need after an amputation injury? Contact CDH Law PLLC today for an initial consultation. Our team in Syracuse, New York, is here to listen to your story, understand your needs, and discuss how we can help you demand a fair recovery.