How to Recognize the Subtle Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury

By David Hammond

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can deeply and lastingly impact a person’s life, making it essential to recognize their signs early for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Highlighting the subtle signs of traumatic brain injury is critical for New Yorkers to detect these often-overlooked symptoms and pursue necessary medical and legal support.

Recognizing Subtle Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Be vigilant for these nuanced indicators of a traumatic brain injury:

Cognitive Changes: Difficulties with concentration, memory lapses, or struggles in processing information might occur. People with a TBI could find decision-making, problem-solving, and thought organization challenging, leading to a noticeable decline in cognitive performance that impacts everyday activities.

Mood Swings and Emotional Changes: Post-TBI, it’s common to see shifts in mood and emotion. This may include increased irritability, unpredictable mood fluctuations, heightened anxiety, or depression. The individual’s emotional responses may intensify or become erratic, complicating emotional regulation.

Sleep Disturbances: Altered sleep patterns often hint at a traumatic brain injury. Whether it’s insomnia, excessive sleeping, or altered sleep quality, these signs can be subtle yet significantly affect other TBI symptoms and recovery.

Sensory Sensitivity: A TBI may increase sensitivity to light, sound, or touch, making previously bearable stimuli overwhelming. This enhanced sensitivity can lead to headaches, fatigue, and difficulties managing daily tasks.

Headaches and Dizziness: Persistent or worsening headaches and feelings of dizziness, even weeks after an incident, can indicate a TBI. These symptoms, especially if prolonged or intensifying, suggest a more serious condition.

Balance and Coordination Issues: Trouble with balance and coordination might signify a TBI. Challenges in walking, standing, or executing fine motor tasks could be misattributed to other causes, potentially delaying a TBI diagnosis.

Speech and Communication Challenges: A TBI can impair speech and communication, evident through slurred speech, difficulty finding the right words, or articulation problems. Changes in how well an individual can express themselves might be noticeable to those close to them.

Increased Forgetfulness: Forgetting recent events, conversations, or details can be a marker of a traumatic brain injury. This struggle with new information retention or recall can be a significant indicator of a TBI.

Understanding and recognizing these subtle signs are crucial steps toward securing the right medical attention and support, facilitating a more effective recovery process.

Contact Our Syracuse Brain Injury Attorneys

Recognizing the subtle signs of a traumatic brain injury is crucial for early intervention and effective treatment. If the traumatic brain injury resulted from the negligence or wrongful actions of another party, consult with the dedicated personal injury team at CDH Law. With our experience, we can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal complexities, and pursue the compensation needed for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and other losses associated with the injury. Contact us today.

About the Author
David is a former military prosecutor and defense lawyer with over a decade of experience fighting for service members and their families. He served nine years and two combat tours as an active duty US Army officer, then joined the Reserves and settled down in Syracuse to be near family. Now representing people across Central New York charged with serious felonies, misdemeanors, DWIs, and traffic offenses, he puts the same level of commitment into his civilian law practice. If you have any questions regarding this article, you can contact David here.