Syracuse & Central New York Slip & Fall Accident Attorneys

Caution wet floor sign to represent a possible slip and fall.

Were you recently injured in a slip-and-fall accident in Syracuse? You may have questions about how to recover compensation for your medical expenses and time off of work. Under New York law, victims of slip and fall accidents have the right to pursue compensation from the person or company whose negligence caused their injuries. You may be able to recover compensation for the economic and non-economic damages you’ve suffered.

The Syracuse slip and fall accident attorneys at CDH Law are prepared to help you understand your legal rights and pursue the compensation you need and deserve. We have a proven track record of recovery, favorable settlements, and verdicts for accident victims in and around Syracuse. 

Pursuing a Claim for Compensation After a Slip and Fall Injury

Medical costs have increased rapidly in the last decade. Victims of slip and fall accidents could be struggling with sky-high medical expenses, especially if they need to stay in a hospital or undergo rehabilitation. If you slipped and fell on another person’s property, you may have the right to collect damages from a negligent property owner. Property owners have a legal obligation to keep their premises safe for customers, visitors, and others who enter their property legally.

As long as you were on the property when the accident occurred, you may be able to hold the property owner responsible for failure to warn you about known dangers.  Depending on the circumstances of the accident, you may benefit from pursuing an insurance claim through the property owner’s commercial insurance policy. When pursuing an insurance claim isn’t the best option or the insurance company fails to provide a fair settlement, pursuing a premises liability lawsuit may be your most strategic option.

How Much Is My Slip and Fall Case Worth?

Speaking to an attorney is the best way to obtain an estimate of the value of your claim. At CDH Law we’ve been helping clients who’ve been victims of slip and fall accidents for decades. We take the time to get to know each client and become extremely familiar with the facts of their case. We try to see the whole picture to demand the most compensation possible for our clients. 

It’s difficult to accurately predict the exact amount of money your claim will be worth. However, we can provide you with an estimate of how much we think your case might be worth. Several different factors impact the value of slip and fall accident claims in Syracuse, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • The severity of your injury
  • Your lost wages and income
  • Whether your injuries will cause ongoing physical or emotional problems
  • Your lost wages and income
  • Your lost earning potential due to disability
  • The pain and suffering you’ve endured

The insurance company or defendant may try to claim that your actions contributed to the slip and fall accident or that you failed to mitigate the damages. They may claim that you had a pre-existing condition that made your injuries worse. The attorneys at CDH Law are prepared to defend you against accusations that could potentially limit your settlement value. We’ll use our resources and experience to pursue the highest possible settlement amount on your behalf.

Damages Available in Slip and Fall Accident Cases

Several different types of damages are available in slip and fall accident cases. Personal injury victims can pursue compensation for economic damages, easily quantifiable damages. Some of the most common types of economic damages include the following:

  • Medical expenses, including rehabilitation and hospital stays
  • Lost wages
  • The cost of future medical care, including durable medical equipment and adaptive vehicles
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Physical therapy 

Plaintiffs can also pursue compensation for their mental anguish, diminished quality of life, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium. 

We Pursue the Most Compensation Possible for Our Clients

Managing a compensation claim on your own can be difficult, especially if you are recovering from serious injuries. Even if you have a valid claim, the property owner won’t just hand over compensation for your injuries. The property owner will probably call his or her insurance company. 

You will need proof that the owner was negligent in obtaining all the compensation you deserve. In most cases, the insurance company will challenge victims every step of the way to avoid paying the victim compensation. Slip and fall accent cases can become complex, so speaking to an experienced attorney can help you significantly. 

The Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney 

When you work with CDH Law, you can rest assured that we will handle every aspect of your case, including negotiating with the insurance company and defending you. We will push back when the insurance company tries to deny your claim outright or undervalue your settlement award. We will immediately begin gathering evidence showing and working with experts to determine which party or parties are liable for your injuries. After identifying the at-fault parties, we will build a case to demonstrate that the at-fault party’s negligence caused your injuries. 

CDH Law will work with the specialists and experts needed to support your case and prove your claim in court. We will defend you if the insurance company attempts to blame the slip-and-fall accident on you to avoid paying you compensation. When you choose to work with us, we will level the playing field and advocate for your rights while recovering compensation.

Discuss Your Case with a Skilled Personal Injury Attorney

If another person’s negligence caused your Syracuse slip and fall accident, our team is here to help you pursue the full compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate to contact CDH Law to schedule a complimentary case evaluation and learn more about your rights. Our clients do not pay any legal fees or costs until we have successfully obtained compensation on their behalf.

Carden Dotzler Hammond, PLLC represents clients in Central New York, Syracuse, Monroe County, Jefferson County, Oswego County, Ontario County, and Onondaga County, including the towns and villages of Camillus, Cicero, Clay, Dewitt, Elbridge, Geddes, Manlius, Marcellus, Onondaga, Salina, Skaneateles, Baldwinsville, East Syracuse, Fayetteville, Liverpool, North Syracuse, and Solvay.