Man at work getting his foot rolled over by heavy machinery

What Are the Leading Causes of Crush Injuries?

The Syracuse personal injury lawyers at Carden Dotzler Hammond, PLLC, want anyone who has sustained a crush injury to understand their legal options. In this blog, we’ll look at the top reasons crush injuries occur and why recognizing these causes is crucial to seeking fair compensation. Keep reading to learn more, and don’t hesitate to contact us for help pursuing your claim.

What Is a Crush Injury?

Let’s start with the basics: a crush injury is one in which a body part is damaged due to prolonged or intense compression by a foreign object. The effects of crush injuries on muscles, bones, and even internal organs can be severe, leading to intense pain, swelling, and long-lasting health issues in some cases. Those long-term health issues may include chronic pain, reduced mobility, and nerve damage, making everyday tasks challenging and affecting overall quality of life. In more severe cases, it might lead to complications like infections or the need for surgeries, impacting not just a victim’s health but also their day-to-day life and ability to work.

Top Causes of Crush Injuries

Crush injuries can happen in the blink of an eye but leave a mark that lasts a lifetime. Let’s take a closer look at the most common causes of crush injuries, helping you understand how these accidents occur and the importance of staying vigilant.

  • Workplace Accidents: Many crush injuries occur at work, especially in industries like construction, manufacturing, and warehousing. Heavy machinery, falling objects, and equipment malfunctions can easily trap a limb or other body parts, leading to severe injuries.
  • Vehicle Collisions: Accidents involving cars, trucks, and motorcycles can all result in crush injuries. Whether you’re a driver, passenger, or pedestrian, the force of a collision can pin body parts, causing significant damage.
  • Falling Debris: Whether at construction sites or during severe weather, falling objects like bricks, trees, or large hail can lead to severe crush injuries when they land on those below.
  • Equipment and Machinery: Those who work in industrial settings are at risk of crush injuries if their limbs become caught in heavy machinery. Even everyday appliances can pose risks if not used carefully.
  • Collapsed Structures: Earthquakes, explosions, and construction failures can cause buildings or other structures to collapse, trapping individuals beneath rubble and causing crush injuries.
  • Recreational Accidents: Activities like rock climbing, hiking, or playing sports can sometimes lead to situations where a body part gets crushed by equipment, terrain, or during a fall.

These common causes of crushing accidents underscore the importance of safety measures and vigilance in everyday life and the workplace. Fortunately, those who’ve suffered such injuries may have the right to compensation for the consequences.

Potential Compensation for Crush Injuries

If you’ve suffered crush injuries because of something someone else did, that person could owe you compensation for the many ways the injuries have affected your life. This could include money for your:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Reduced future earnings due to a disability
  • Diminished quality of life due to a disability
  • Damaged personal property, if applicable

Deadline to File a Crush Injury Lawsuit in New York

New York law says you must file any personal injury lawsuit within three years of sustaining a crush injury. If you attempt to file suit after this deadline has passed, the court can dismiss it as untimely, potentially costing you your right to compensation. Beyond this risk, it’s best to contact an attorney as soon as possible after your injury, as essential evidence can disappear or deteriorate shortly afterward.

Contact Our Syracuse Crush Injury Attorneys Now

The Central New York crush injury lawyers at Carden Dotzler Hammond are ready to take your case and protect your rights. We’ll handle all the legal work while you focus on healing and adjusting to life after your injury. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation.

Construction site with heavy machinery

Construction Site Dangers to Watch Out For

Construction sites are bustling with activity and energy as workers build the future of our cities and communities. However, they also contain numerous hazards that can pose risks to workers and passersby alike. At CDH Law, we’ve seen the impact these hazards can have on individuals and their families.

In this blog, our Syracuse construction accident attorneys explore the key dangers lurking around construction sites. Our goal is to arm you with knowledge so you can stay safe whether you’re working on these sites or just walking by.

Falling from Heights

Falling from heights is one of the most serious hazards at construction sites, as falls often lead to severe injuries or fatalities. This danger occurs around unfinished structures, scaffolding, ladders, and rooftops. A moment’s lapse in safety measures, such as inadequate fall protection gear or poorly maintained platforms, can result in a worker or passersby tumbling down. Such falls can cause broken bones, spinal injuries, or worse. Ensuring the use of harnesses, guardrails, and safety nets, along with rigorous training about how to work safely at heights, is crucial to prevent these life-threatening incidents.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slips, trips, and falls might seem less dramatic than other construction hazards, but they’re a leading cause of on-site accidents. Moreover, these incidents can affect both workers and passersby. Falls at construction sites often occur due to uneven surfaces, scattered tools, or slippery areas from spills or weather conditions. A simple misstep can lead to serious injuries, including fractures, cuts, or head trauma. The cluttered and dynamic nature of construction sites makes vigilance and orderly practices essential. Implementing clear walkways, proper signage, and regular clean-up routines can significantly reduce these risks.

Struck-By Incidents

Struck-by accidents at construction sites pose significant risks of injury, such as those that occur when workers or passersby sustain injuries from dropped tools or falling debris. These incidents can happen unexpectedly, especially in busy urban areas with objects moving overhead. A hard hat might offer some protection, but the force from a falling object can still cause severe injuries, including concussions, broken bones, or even life-threatening conditions. Ensuring secure storage of materials and tools, using toe boards and screens on scaffolds, and establishing exclusion zones under overhead work are critical safety measures.

Electrocution Accidents

Electrical accidents at construction sites are a grave concern, as they often lead to burns, shocks, or even fatalities. These accidents frequently stem from exposed wiring, power lines, malfunctioning equipment, or the installation and maintenance of electrical systems. Similarly, workers might accidentally cut through power lines or use equipment that’s not properly grounded, turning a routine task into a dangerous situation. The lethal combination of water and electricity, especially in outdoor or partially completed indoor environments, heightens the risk of an accident. Implementing strict safety protocols, such as lockout/tagout procedures, regular equipment checks, and comprehensive training for workers, is essential.

Machinery and Equipment Accidents

Cranes, bulldozers, excavators, and other heavy equipment require skilled operation and strict safety protocols to prevent accidents. Common causes of machinery and equipment accidents include operator error, mechanical failures, and lack of proper training. An equipment malfunction or mishap can easily result in crushing injuries, amputations, or fatalities. Ensuring that operators have proper training is vital, as are regular equipment inspections and maintenance. Additionally, establishing clear communication signals and safety zones around operating machinery helps protect everyone on site.

Exposure to Harmful Substances

Workers and passersby can encounter a range of hazardous materials at construction sites, including asbestos, lead, silica dust, and chemical solvents. These substances can cause serious health issues, from respiratory problems and skin irritation to long-term conditions like cancer or neurological damage. The risks are particularly high during demolition, renovation, or when handling older building materials. Protective measures, including proper ventilation, personal protective equipment (PPE), and strict handling protocols, are essential to minimize exposure and protect the health of everyone on and around construction sites.

Injured in a Construction Site Accident? CDH Law Can Help

Recovering fair compensation after a construction site accident requires the help of a skilled and experienced legal team. The Syracuse construction accident lawyers at CDH Law can take on your case and fight on your behalf for fair compensation while you heal. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation.